Elevate your commercial space

Infuse opulence & sophistication into hotel, restaurant, office, and other commercial spaces with CG Hunter faux plants.

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Maintenance-Free Ambiance

Lifelike textures & details create a natural oasis.

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Elevate your commercial space

Infuse opulence & sophistication into hotel, restaurant, office, and other commercial spaces with CG Hunter faux plants.

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Maintenance-Free Ambiance

Lifelike textures & details create a natural oasis.

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Elevate Commercial Spaces with CG Hunter Faux Plants: Exquisite Realism and Timeless Beauty

CG Hunter Faux Plants offers a wide range of luxury and lifelike artificial plants that are specially designed to enhance commercial settings. With a commitment to quality, realism, and innovation, CG Hunter has become a trusted name in the industry. Discover how our exquisite faux plants can transform your commercial space into a captivating oasis of natural beauty.

Our faux plants find their place in a variety of commercial settings, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication. From hotels and resorts to restaurants and cafes, fitness centers and spas, and office buildings, CG Hunter faux plants effortlessly elevate the ambiance of any space, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

CGHunter Commercial Hotel Guest Room Orchid
Hotels & Resorts

In hotels and resorts, CG Hunter faux plants can be used to create grand entrance displays or delicate arrangements in lobbies, guest rooms, and reception areas. These lifelike artificial plants instantly create a welcoming environment for guests, without the hassle of maintenance and upkeep.


CG Hunter Commercial Faux Plants being used in Restaurant setting
Restaurants & Cafes

Restaurants and cafes can benefit from CG Hunter artificial plants by incorporating green walls or tabletop arrangements. These faux plants bring the beauty of nature indoors, enhancing the dining experience and creating a serene and refreshing ambiance.


CGHunter Commercial Faux Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree used in Commercial Fitness Center and Spa
Fitness Centers & Spas

Fitness centers and spas can create a calming and rejuvenating environment with CG Hunter faux plants. From lush greenery in yoga studios to vibrant floral arrangements in relaxation areas, our artificial plants contribute to a sense of tranquility and well-being.


Commercial CG Hunter faux snake plant being used in office conference room
Office & Corporate Spaces

Office buildings and corporate spaces can be transformed into vibrant and inspiring workplaces with CG Hunter faux plants. Whether used as statement pieces in lobbies or as potted plants in workspaces, these lifelike artificial plants boost employee morale and productivity, bringing the benefits of nature indoors.


Sustainable & Stylish

CG Hunter is dedicated to sustainable practices, using eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes. By choosing CG Hunter faux plants, businesses contribute to a greener future by reducing water consumption and minimizing waste.

CG Hunter lifelike artificial plants offers a range of luxury artificial plants that bring timeless beauty and lifelike realism to commercial spaces. Elevate your establishment with our exquisite faux plants, create an inviting ambiance, and make a lasting impression on visitors. Choose CG Hunter faux plants and experience the transformation of your commercial space into a captivating oasis of natural beauty.



    “5 stars - CG Hunter is our trusted provider for our office plants. The faux plants are the best quality and look so lifelike. Everyone is always asking me if they are real. Adding faux plants to our office helps our office environment have a slice of nature with no maintenance.”

    — Lisa, Microsoft

    “Faux plants have become an invaluable asset in the restaurant industry. They offer the perfect balance between aesthetics and practicality, allowing us to create a lush and inviting atmosphere without the worry of maintenance or seasonal changes. Our guests are consistently amazed by the lifelike appearance of CG Hunter faux plants, and they enhance the overall ambiance, making our space feel warm, fresh, and welcoming. With fake plants, we can focus on delivering exceptional dining experiences while enjoying the beauty of nature year-round.”

    — Todd D., Restaurateur

    “Artificial plants have become an indispensable tool in my toolkit as a hospitality commercial interior designer. They offer a perfect balance of functionality and aesthetics, allowing me to create stunning greenery-filled spaces that require minimal maintenance. The realism and quality of CG Hunter faux plants are truly impressive, providing a lifelike presence that adds a touch of natural beauty to hotels and resorts. These faux plants create an atmosphere of tranquility, bringing a sense of serenity and connection to nature that guests truly appreciate. With faux plants, I can craft immersive environments that evoke a sense of luxury and relaxation, enhancing the overall guest experience.”

    — Amberly, Hospitality Commercial Interior Designer

Why CG Hunter

  • Best-In-Class

    We are committed to offering the highest quality products, using premium materials & superior craftsmanship that exceed our customer expectations. Limited Lifetime Guarantee.

  • Innovation

    We value creativity and originality and are at the forefront of new trends in home decor.

  • Practicality

    While we are focused on high-end products, we also emphasize practicality and usefulness in everyday life.

  • Authenticity

    We value authenticity and strive to create products that are true to their original design and function. We are committed to providing genuine and trustworthy advice to our customers.

  • Inspirational

    We are dedicated to inspiring our customers to live their best lives, offering aspirational ideas and products that help people achieve their goals and dreams.